Programme ISM&RH meeting on February 5th – toegankelijk voor alle NVOG leden

Datum: 5 februari 2025
Locatie: Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital (WKZ), Grote Leerhuis room, 4th floor, Utrecht


Working Party International Safe Motherhood & Reproductive Health
Theme: Maternal health in Gaza

Location: Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital (WKZ), Grote Leerhuis room, 4th floor
Time: 19.30 – 22.00.
Dinner from 19.00 (10 euro contribution). If you want to join dinner please send an email to before February 1st.

19.30 – 20.00: Agenda of ISM&RH working party
20.00 – 20.25: Gynaecologist Tarek Meguid talks about his experience working in Gaza
20.25 – 20.40: Break
20.40 – 21.05: Doa Shaikhani (Artsen voor Gaza) talks about the current situation in Gaza
and proposes a call to action
21.05 – 21.15: Yadira Roggeveen gives a brief update about the NVOG’s position
21.15: Drinks!


Secretaris Working Party on International Safe Motherhood & Reproductive Health

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